The City of Bangor, Maine was awarded $20,478,297. There are a number of eligible uses for these ARPA funds, per the United States Treasury. The top uses identified by the residents of Bangor are Housing, Substance Use Disorder, and Mental Health. Unspent funds are earning interest at a fixed rate of 1.79%, per the City Manager.
Click one of the links below for more information about the ARPA process in Bangor.
Official ARPA Allocations for Bangor, Maine
The link above is for the ARPA allocations that have been officially voted on by the Bangor City Council. You can also see more information on the City’s official website for ARPA.
ARPA Process in Bangor: Timeline of Events
The link above is a full accounting of the timeline for the ARPA process in Bangor, Maine. You will find links to meeting documents and other supporting information that corresponds to events on the timeline.
BangorMike Posts about ARPA
The link above leads to a list of articles by Michael Beck about the ARPA process in Bangor, Maine. This includes correspondence between Mr. Beck and the City of Bangor that has been made public. The public is encouraged to reach out to Bangor City Council with their own concerns about the ARPA process by writing councilors@bangormaine.gov.