Nothing you read on this website was decided by an artificial algorithm. For better or worse, all of this content was my idea. That being said, I do use AI as a tool at times, and I want to make sure I’m being fully transparent with you on how AI plays a part of what gets published on this website.
Some of the images you see on the website are generated with AI technology. It is my personal policy and pledge that I will only use it to generate images designed to draw attention to the content, and never for purposes of misleading. Images I generate are either cartoons or give the appearance of stock imagery, and must never attempt to lead readers into thinking the images represent real people who can be identified.
I believe strongly that Artists have rights when it comes to AI.
Artists have a right to be paid for their work. Many artists have complained that their work has been used to train AI models without their permission. If at any time an image I use appears to be duplicating an artist’s style to the point where it would be confused with works they’ve produced, I will not hesitate to take down the image upon request (or provide credit with a link to their online presence, should they choose the latter.) My contact information is here.
Text / Writing
All of the content you read on this website are my ideas, and the result of my thoughts and research.
I use AI to aid me in writing in two main ways:
- I make use of AI to improve the grammar and readability of articles from time to time. Particularly on longer articles. I do this by giving my rough draft to AI and asking it to revise my wording to improve the Flesch-Kincaid readability score. I then review the changes to ensure it affected grammar only and that my original message and concept is intact.
- The other method I occasionally employ is by dictating into a microphone. I express all of my thoughts on a particular issue or subject and then have a transcript created from my words. I then take that transcript and ask AI to summarize it, and create a frame work for a blog article based on what I’ve said. I then take that framework and add additional information I previously left out, or I further summarize it where necessary.